Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Could Have Gone Adventuring Today

Chapter One: History of My Social Life

Chapter Two: How I Spent My Four Day Weekend

Also, I did homework.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Final Films 'Boards.

With how busy college has been lately, I haven't been able to make many comics, as so many of you probably noticed. I do have sequential art in the form of storyboards from my final film to post, though, so you can gnaw on this until I have a life again.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Adsense is one big moral dilemma.

So you may remember Vin (turquoise hair), Sam (glasses) and Erica (originally a self-insert for this blog's very own Erica, but now she's an actual character fo reals) from my terrible old project Weeklings. And on my other blog, you may have been following my Hoop-a-Joop development, which includes these characters. Recently, Erica and I have been going into overdrive fleshing out the characters and making them worth watching. So maybe there'll be more comics with them down the line. : D

Tuesday, March 1, 2011